Beyond The Pitch - What a million kids have taught me about parenting
How To Engage In Child-Directed Play


How To Engage In Child-Directed Play

April 13, 2021

Have you ever wondered how to play with your child? For some people it comes naturally but for others it’s a little awkward. We are all a bit removed from the fantasy world of play where our little ones reside, but we can sharpen our skills by doing two simple things: watching and listening.

By watching and listening to our kids we are letting them guide the interaction. Experts call it Child-Directed Play. When we engage in CDP we are helping our children develop significant social and cognitive skills, strengthening our relationship and providing essential one-on-one positive attention.

This article from Seattle Children’s offers some great insights on how to get started. Enjoy!

Be kind to yourselves and others.

Until next time,

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