Dads… They’re No Joke
June 17, 2021
Dad. It’s a sweet word. And an even sweeter role. Here’s to all the dads out there. Thanks for loving your children, for being present, for your playfulness, patience, kindness, generosity and even for your dad jokes.
The active role you, as a father or father figure, take in your child’s life is the best thing you can give them—and it is equally important as the role of a mom. So embrace it and be conscious of your value—and its impact.
Research shows that girls and boys who have a close and nurturing relationship with fathers who are authoritative (warm, supportive and set healthy boundaries) are more likely to fare better emotionally, academically, socially and financially. The impact on their early development goes well into adolescence and adulthood. Specifically, the research states that children with secure relationships with their father:
- are more emotionally secure
- are more confident exploring their surroundings
- have better social relationships Save
- learn to better regulate their feelings
- start school with higher levels of academic readiness
- handle stress and frustration better
- are half as likely to have depressive symptoms
- are twice as likely to go to college
- are 75% less likely to have a teen birth
- are 80% less likely to go to jail
If you are a working dad with little time, travel a lot or a dad who lives separately from his kids, don’t fear. It’s the quality and strength of your time together that matters, so make the minutes count. Regardless of what you do together, just do it with an intentional mindset and lots of love.
Happy Father’s Day!
Check out All4kids.org for more information
Be kind to yourselves and others.
Until next time,
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